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We exist to resource the local church to equip
volunteers, leaders, and pastors to make disciples

Sterling Archer
Jun 5, 20246 min read
4 Ways to Engage Your Students and Keep Your Volunteers This Summer
Of all the seasons in student ministry, summer stands out as an incredible opportunity and incredible challenge to engage both students...

Jordan Hill
May 2, 20244 min read
The Green Glass Door and The Gospel
When I played college baseball, we used to play games on the road to make the time go by faster. My game of choice was either Spades or...

Adam Erlichman
Apr 24, 20244 min read
6 Solutions for the Volunteer Crisis in Churches Today
There is a volunteer crisis in the church today. It’s been a crisis for nearly two decades, if not longer. In 2008, Exponential...

Adam Erlichman
Apr 11, 20248 min read
4 Issues of Discipleship in the Church Today
Introduction Discipleship is the primary mission of the church to a lost and dying world. "Go and make disciples of all nations,...

Jonathon M. Seidl
Apr 3, 20244 min read
Why You Need to Push for Radical Vulnerability
Adjectives are important in life. Don’t believe me? There’s a big difference between a meal and a “delicious” meal. The former is what...

Adam Erlichman
Mar 20, 20246 min read
10 Top Tips for God-Centered Bible Study
Disclaimer: This article is for anyone who has ever been confused by something they read in the Bible. If you have unlocked all of the...

Adam Erlichman
Mar 11, 20245 min read
Can Sunday School & Small Groups Coexist?
Historically, circles (small groups) and rows (Sunday School) have battled over discipleship in the church. Each has similar goals with...

Adam Erlichman
Mar 6, 20243 min read
4 Ways to Brew Your Theology
The aroma of coffee is filling the air. A slow Saturday morning awaits. Your mind awakens, and while you reach for your Bible, you think,...

Adam Erlichman
Feb 19, 20247 min read
The 6 Areas of a Groups Ministry
On a baseball team, rarely will you find the five-tool player that meets every need of the team. In fact, it’s impossible for one player...

Adam Erlichman
Feb 14, 20243 min read
Forever Friends
What’s the difference between spending time with a non-Christian versus a Christian friend? Is there a difference? Does it matter if...

Adam Erlichman
Feb 6, 20245 min read
8 (Internal) Ministry Metrics that Matter
I often hear the question from church leadership, "What metrics should we measure?" In a data-saturated Information Age that often feels...

Adam Erlichman
Jan 17, 20243 min read
Why Join a Group
What is a small group? Why do they matter? Should I join one? Why would I join one? There are plenty of other ways for me to be around...

Adam Erlichman
Jan 9, 20245 min read
Deciding Which Church Ministry Metrics to Measure
I often hear the question from church leadership, "What metrics should we measure?" In a data-saturated Information Age that often feels...

Adam Erlichman
Jan 3, 20242 min read
The Necessity of Corporate Worship
What is corporate worship? Is it the same as Sunday service? Are there any benefits for me to attend Sunday service or join in corporate...

Adam Erlichman
Dec 19, 20234 min read
5 Indicators of a Potential New Leader
Do you need more leaders? Are you experiencing a leadership drought and lack of willing individuals to step up to begin leading? Yes,...

Adam Erlichman
Sep 13, 20234 min read
Should I Join a Ministry Cohort?
What's a ministry cohort? There are all kinds of cohorts these days: lead, executive, discipleship, groups, student/youth, kids,...

Adam Erlichman
Aug 28, 20233 min read
Do you attend a church? Maybe off and on. You hit spurts of great streaks of consistency, but other times, you're absent for weeks or...

Adam Erlichman
Aug 20, 20232 min read
Do you attend a church? Maybe off and on. You hit spurts of great streaks of consistency, but other times, you're absent for weeks or...

Adam Erlichman
Jun 13, 20233 min read
Need more people in your small group? Not sure where to find them? Surely, not everyone's already in a group in your church? Where are...

Adam Erlichman
Oct 17, 20225 min read
Why Heart Posture Matters
There are many misunderstandings and misconceptions that keep people from growing into greater spiritual maturity of Jesus Christ. How...
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