We build a groups ministry structure for you and train a staff or leader in your church to run and oversee the operation of the ministry.
Using our "6 Areas of a Groups Ministry" Framework we help custom build a structure, and coach a staff or team leader to start and strengthen your Groups Ministry.

Increase your Groups by 30 - 50% in 6 to 12 months.
potential new leaders.
2) DEVELOP these new found leaders.
3) DEPLOY trained leaders to start a new group.
4) CONNECT new people to groups and group leaders to one another.
5) COACH existing leaders for continued training, equipping, and problem solving.
6) CARE for the souls of group leaders and members by shepherding them.
Group Leader Training is a five-session training process that models, informs, equips, and provides a safe experience for potential new leaders to explore a call to serve as a group leader. Training answers questions such as: What is a healthy group? How do I build a biblical community and lead a group study? How do I mobilize group members to serve? What's the best way to get group members to share their faith and multiply their group? Additional practical resources are provided below:
How do you recruit new volunteers and leaders? Where do you find them? Do you have enough leaders? Are your groups full and do you need more? We provide an in-depth guide to finding potential leaders.
We provide a Leader Expectations form that is customizable. It includes expectations for Character Qualities for leaders to conduct themselves in a manner worthy of gospel service.
Once you have identified potential leaders, we will show you several different methods of inviting them in to Explore their potential call to serve as a group leader.
We formulate a Ministry Description that makes sense for your church so your leaders are focused on their service efforts. Many burn out or tap out because they do too many things, and no one ever prioritizes what they should focus on doing. Do a few things well instead of many poorly.
We either provide you the content for Group Leader Training, or we design a custom three to five-session leader training process to take potential new group leaders through to explore their calling.
One of the most important parts of enlisting a potential new leader is properly launching them to start their new group well. It can be overwhelming or underwhelming and how they start determines how it will go long term. We provide coaching and tools.