Building Student Groups
Four Areas of Preparation Every Student Small Group Leader Needs

Develop and deploy your student small group leaders by preparing them personally, biblically, relationally, and practically.
Every week, student small group leaders have the opportunity to shepherd the hearts of the next generation by intentionally developing their students’ relationship with Jesus and each other. These leaders commit their time, energy, and capacity to see students take their next step with Jesus, and if they find themselves constantly flying by the seat of their pants, it won’t be long before they find themselves burnt out and checked out. Building Student Groups is written as a resource for student pastors that is aimed at helping develop volunteer student small group leaders so they are more prepared to personally, biblically, relationally, and practically lead their group. This short read is filled with tangible best practices and real-life principles that student pastors can encourage their volunteers to embody and employ as they engage students with the gospel week after week.